Earth is nuts, outside is expensive, and all the other things that have us adults like WTF.....


Listen this is how most of us new grownups feel these days.  Life been life'n and so much craziness has been going on.  Let's get into the bullshit, the good shit, and this bumpy ride 😂.

We always strive for more and to keep progressing in life right?  June 2023 the position I wanted became available in my area (it is territory based due to travel) so of course I applied.  Due to some company logistics they wanted to offer it, but couldn't.  November 2023 a new one came open and I applied, created my presentation and had my interview and presented my presentation.  Felt good afterwards and waited to hear.  They offered me the position and that pay increase had me like bitch you did that!  

Ohhhhhhh baby this is where the good takes the turn and has me like I know they not playing in my fuckin face like this.  February 2024 I was minding my business and in the field working in Huntersville, NC.  We get a random meeting on our calendar mind you I kept telling a couple of my coworkers something felt off and weird af. Y'all won't believe in this damn meeting they announce that we are getting laid off as of July 1, 2024.  My heart fell out of my chest and my face was moving just like this lol.

My coworkers like girl you have been at the company 12 years your severance will be good.  1st off who tf asked for your input I want my job because why in thee hell did they hire me for this position.  I'm low-key mad and they are now going to get the bare minimum out of me while I ride this contract out.  So I applied to some jobs internally and April 2024 I interviewed and was offered my same position on a different team (I had to stay on my original team until July 1, 2024 tho 🙄).  Cool right, but I literally had to interview and go against every other applicant that shit had me like oh really.

Turns out it was nice riding the contract out simply because all travel stopped so I was back to working fully remote.  I could move how I wanted too, and I had FREEDOM so I wasn't mad. July 2nd came, and I was now on my new team with a "contract intact" until like October 2025 (should have known not to accept anything under the same client different disease state).  Here comes July 3, 2024 with it's bullshit, and a random meeting on our calendar for 4pm.  Y'all why the fuck these people told us we were getting laid off as of October 14, 2024 😡.  At this point I'm done with these fucking people and their dumb shit cause why are y'all stressing me like this lol.  No one was coming to fuckin save me so I had to go through to get through.

Of course me, still not ready to leave my company because in my 13 years I haven't dealt with anything like this but a bitch is getting weary.  Back to the internal career portal I went because yay job applications and interviews! Had two interviews (July 25th and 26th).  Big Mama did her big one in the interviews and sent my interview thank you emails (always follow up with the interview thank you and highlight something important from the interview). 

July 29th I was offered one of the positions and I remember during that interview they let me know that they had quite a bit of internal candidates.  I ain't even gonna lie I was proud af of myself.  Two almost layoffs in 4 months is WILD, and I hope I never have to experience that again.  Ya girl is tiedddddd. 

My current manager told me how great my interview skills are, how great everyone he asked about me spoke of me, and how amazing my feedback is in my internal file!  All of this made me realize that when something is for you God is not going to play about you, nor will it miss you.  Keep going and keep pushing life can get weird, but the sun will shine again.  I lost friendships during this process (people don't know how to let a person go through stuff their way, and I honestly didn't talk much about this because it was traumatic af).  I also want to say to the people who distracted me without knowing, checked on me, let me just be quiet without taking it personal, and just let me be me I appreciate you 💗.

Gonna try and keep up with the blog posts and about anything and everything might even have some guests on here to chat it up!  Stay tuned.....



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