38 years around the sun πŸŽ‚ ! Adult friendships, relationships and all of that.

I'm going to start by saying I'm thankful I was able to celebrate living 38 wonderful years on this Earth πŸ₯³. To all of my family, friends, and everyone I appreciate the birthday love, gifts, texts, FB posts and all of that!

Now on to the blog post I think it's a good one and not talked about enough. As kids the word "friend" was very loose. As we learned and grew the word became VERY important and used less. I'm going to be all the way REAL I wasn't always a good friend simply because when I would keep it real with friends my delivery was off. I was a say what it is and that's it, but I had to learn there is a way to say things without making it hurt so much (although sometimes it is needed).  

The last 5 years taught me you can be the most amazing friend to someone, and they really just might not be that for you nor know how to accept real friendship and genuine care. Hurt people most times hurt people and there are a lot of folks living in survival. I have ended friendships and have had others end friendships, and ☝🏾 thing Ki is not going to do is stay where she isn't wanted or chase a person. I'm probably the easiest person to cut off cause you move funny baybeeee I'm OUT ✌🏾!  

What I'm about to say isn't even for kudos but for awareness of doing too much sometimes. When I do things I do them genuinely and will never ask for anything in return nor expect a person to owe me. I have fed people and their kids, put friends on my credit card so they could build credit, gave money, loved kids that weren't mine, and just all around been a listening ear. I realized those were my choices, and it took me a long time to understand some of those that I helped weren't really friends maybe associates. A really good friend of mine said the other day "sadly people view other people as monetary and what they can do for them money wise" (M.C.). That stuck with me because it is sooooo true, BUT the best part for me is I don't regret helping anyone because I know I'm genuine and even though I don't rock with some of them anymore I was glad to help and I wish them the absolute best!

Just always remember pay attention to what people say when it's your turn and good things are happening, when you share your dreams, when you are going through, and when you need pouring into. Relationships shouldn't be one sided nor should they be 50/50. We should bring our best to everything and everyone that we want in our lives and vice versa. If they aren't deserving don't force it go be around those who are deserving. My birthday the other day showed me some closest to you won't take a minute to say a simple happy birthday, but always rely on you to get them through things. Don't let anyone play with you or over you, and definitely don't let them treat you like a black jelly bean 🀣.


Love who loves you, go hard for who goes hard for you and the rest let it be! Also, y'all gotta stop asking to borrow money and if you do borrow money PAY THEM PEOPLE BACK NOW πŸ₯΄!

On another note today would have been my brothers birthday. RIP to my favorite brother and favorite person that ever lived. Lil Carl you are missed everyday πŸ’”. Love you forever!


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