Get your 50/50 out of here 🤷🏾‍♀️

 I was driving and this blog post was on my mind heavy so here we are y'all. Follow me though don't let the title scare you.

So my therapist said during a therapy session "take that energy that you give to support others and pour into you and what's truly important to you!" 

That statement resonated so much because as people a lot of the time we give, give, give until there is no more left. Then when we go through something or need something we feel let down. Sometimes we have to take back OUR power and give it to our self. Life is real and stress kills rapidly these days 🤦🏾‍♀️!


Now this getting the 50/50 out of here and I'm not referencing bills nor household duties. What I'm talking about is relationships, friendships, fellowship, and any ship that is important in your life. We think that everything has to be 50/50 when in reality we should be bringing 100% to these things. If I'm a friend why wouldn't I bring 100% to my friendship?! If we started a job we wouldn't accept 50% pay until we prove we can do the job. No matter what you are doing in life bring 100%, and if someone is giving you 50%. Then you have a choice to make either stick around or move around and get the hell out of there. 

That's all I have for today's episode, but I will be back hopefully sooner rather than later.  

Peace, love, and hair grease ✌🏾




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