Who having yo baby 🙄😳

As I was driving out of town this blog hit me, and now that I'm a passenger seat princess here we are....

I'm gonna start this blog with a little personal story (this is not a recent story so mind the business that's yours lol)

A wild November day. So boom me and ole boy in all kinds of love (toxic af but we live and learn). So my period late so I'm panicking cause who pregnant?! I'm grown af, but a potential pregnancy is WILD 🤯. MULTIPLE pregnancy tests were positive.  I'm freaking out crying, and I call my lil sis who was in San Francisco on vacay at the time. Cause wtf I look like processing this alone. So she blown like "noooooo what you gonna do." So I'm like girl please we (him and I) gonna experience our 1st abortion together 🤷🏾‍♀️. So I tell him and this fool acting excited and gonna say "if it's a boy we really gotta keep it." Man I lost it cause boy you real life slow who tf knows the gender of a baby this early 🥴.

Man I was sooooo shittin like threatening him and all 🫣. There was no abortion because a couple of days later I had my blood drawn and I was NOT pregnant 🙌🏾.  He later told me "I was trying to get you pregnant intentionally so I would always have a connection to you."  Ghetto as hell!  God saved me from that madness for sure.

What I want to remind everyone don't feel like you have to rush to have kids. Freezing eggs and sperm is always an option. When deciding to have children make sure it's what you want because if things don't work out the kid still deserves the best life! Being a parent is full of sacrifices and endless love, but it's far from an easy thing to do.

Also men and women you don't have to have babies with everyone you like/love. Chile cause fuck them kids cause they expensive and aggy 🤣.

Word to the wise: Be mindful who you procreate with because you all will be related to the same child forever! I had 👆🏾 and sat down until I decided to be a surrogate, but that's a story for another time. Oh, and some of y'all a ain't shit mama or daddy 🤷🏾‍♀️. Do right by them kids or you ain't gonna have no good luck!

Soon I will be doing a Dear Black Women segment with my peeps, but until then check out the first one: https://youtu.be/Ot7FbAAPYKA?si=SHc6infu3TuvHc1d


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